“…the new songs take on a more powerful, confident, fierce, infectious, all-encompassing, and accessible dance-club feeling than any other Prince Rama record – a fearless, visionary pop tour de force for the ghost-modern era that celebrates the ephemerality of life, dancing just at the edge of death’s gilded smile.”
Xtreme Now if officially out today! You can pick up your copy in the Carpark shop, iTunes, or in a record store near you. The album is also streaming via Spotify and Apple Music. Stop by select retail stores and receive a limited edition Xtreme Now temporary tattoos, while supplies last.
**Stores include: Harvest Records (Asheville, NC); Criminal Records (Atlanta, GA); End of An Ear (Austin, TX); Waterloo (Austin, TX); Looney Tunes (Babylon, NY); The Sound Garden (Baltimore, NY); Amoeba (Berkeley, CA); Rasputin (Berkeley, CA); Seasick Records (Birmingham, AL); Landlocked (Bloomington, IN); The Record Exchange (Boise, ID); Exile On Main Street (Branford, CT); Dyno Records (Brookfield, CT); Gerosa Records (Brookfield, CT); Earwax Records (Brooklyn, NY); Rough Trade (Brooklyn, NY); Record Theatre (Buffalo, NY);Pure Pop (Burlington, VT); Exile On Main Street (Champaign, IL); Monster Music (Charleston, SC); Lunchbox Records (Charlotte, NC); Permanent Records (Chicago, IL); Reckless Records (Chicago, IL); Saki (Chicago, IL); Shugah Records (Chicago, IL); Shake It (Cincinnati, OH); Rhino (Claremont, CA); Music Saves (Cleveland, OH); Magnolia Thunderpussy (Columbus, OH); Used Kids (Columbus, OH); Good Records (Dallas, TX); Dearborn Music (Dearborn, MI); Twist & Shout (Denver, CO); Wax Trax Records (Denver, CO); Moondog (Dubuque, IA); Flat Black & Circular (East Lansing, MI); Lou’s Records (Encinitas, CA); Joe’s Records (Evansville, IN); The Record Exchange (Fredrick, MD); Radio-Active Records (Ft. Lauderdale, FL); Wooden Nickel (Ft. Wayne, IN); Vertigo (Grand Rapids, MI); Gallery of Sound (Hazleton, Pennsylvania); Cactus (Houston, TX); Indy CD & Vinyl (Indianapolis, IN); Luna (Indianapolis, IN); Disc Exchange (Knoxville, TN); Young Ones (Kutztown, PA); Zia Records (Las Vegas, NV); CD Central (Lexington, KY); Fingerprints (Long Beach, CA); Amoeba (Los Angeles, CA); Mount Analog (Los Angeles, CA); Origami (Los Angeles, CA); Permanent Records (Los Angeles, CA); Guestroom Records (Louisville, KY); Strictly Discs (Madison, WI); BK Music (Midlothian, PA); Electric Fetus (Minneapolis, MN); Ear Candy (Missoula, MT); Grimey’s (Nashville, TN); Other Music (New York, NY); Rough Trade (New York, NY); Waiting Room (Normal, IL); Guestroom (Norman, OK); Homer’s (Omaha, NE); Exclusive Co (Oshkosh, WI); Park Ave CD (Orlando, FL); Main Street Music (Philadelphia, PA); Repo Records (Philadelphia, PA); Stinkweeds (Phoenix, AZ); Zia Records (Phoenix, AZ); Dave’s Music Mine (Pittsburgh, PA); Jackpot (Portland, OR); Music Millenium (Portland, OR); Darkside Records (Poughkeepsie, NY); Princeton Record Exchange (Princeton, NJ); School Kids (Raleigh, NC); Jack’s Music Shoppe (Red Bank, NJ); Plan 9 (Richmond, VA); Lakeshore Record Exchange (Rochester, NY); Toad Hall (Rockford, IL); UHF (Royal Oaks, MI); Graywhale (Salt Lake City, UT); M-Theory (San Diego, CA); Amoeba (San Francisco, CA); Aquarius (San Francisco, CA); Streetlight (San Jose, CA); Boo Boo Records (San Luis Obispo, CA); Street Light (Santa Cruz, CA); Graveface Records (Savannah, GA); Everyday Music (Seattle, Washington); Silver Platters (Seattle, WA); Sonic Boom (Seattle, WA); The Record Exchange (Silver Spring, MD); Euclid (St. Louis, MO); Vintage Vinyl (St. Louis, MO); Culture Clash (Toledo, OH); Salzers (Ventura, CA); Crooked Beat (Washington, DC); Electric Avenue Music (West Chester, PA); Gallery of Sound (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)
Xtreme Now
1. Bahia
2. Your Life In The End
3. Now Is The Time Of Emotion
4. Slip Into Nevermore
5. Fake Til You Feel
6. Believe In Something Fun
7. Xtreme Now Energy
8. Fantasy
9. Sochi
10. Would You Die To be Adored
11. Shitopia