Kid606 ushers in the second installment of the Carpark “sports-FAN” CD series with The Soccergirl EP. This special CD, with soccerball shaped CD and soccer-field surface inspired traycard, is sure to cause some lively debate with the punters. With this recording, Mr. 606 makes a departure from many of his previous recordings. Those associating the sixer with punk/gabba-inspired mayhem or glitchity/cutty style poppity-pop will be in for a big surprise.
Instead, The Soccergirl EP offers six tracks of melody-suffused ambient electronics in a style reminiscent of early Kraftwerk or to Roccoco Rot. This is definitely “post-season” listening. With song titles like “If My Heart Ever Ran Away It Would Be Looking For The Day When Right Beside You It Could Forever Stay,” it seems very clear where the inspiration for The Soccergirl EP is coming from. Blending teutonic sounds and rhythms with a distinctly Southern Californian perspective, our young Mr. 606 showcases his burgeoning talent to blend elements of traditional “songcraft” (melody, rhythm, harmony, et.al.) in an exciting and “non-songy” way. It’s not post-rock and it’s not post-techno. And it most surely doesn’t taste like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Here we have music that will reflect the tastes of the future millennium. Carpark therefore is pleased to be the first on this planet to offer the new genre “sixth world”: as a nod to all well-meaning colonialists as well as more importantly to all those preparing for a new socio-political era that many of us can already taste.